Building Construction Process Start To Finish

A construction journey is a long, steady and stressful journey. But with good and logical project management guidelines, one can make a constructive decision starting from planning, execution and completion of the project. Practical knowledge of all the processes involved in construction helps in giving your dreams a shape. All construction projects differ in size, budget, decisions, scope, delivery and outcomes. Before taking up any construction activity for your building, always ask yourself what is its motive of construction, will there be any practical utility of the project, what is the financial capacity and whether you have the required manpower or not.
The Pre-construction Phase :
- Building plan : The building plan is the vital aspect of building construction. It helps you to understand the features and the functions of different parts of your construction process. Architects, civil engineers, electricians and plumbers play an essential role in planning a successful building construction project.
- Budget estimation : Constructing a building is a huge investment. This involves setting aside a specific budget for future work. After the planning is done, the details are given to a building estimator for a survey. It is expected to estimate the cost of materials, types of machinery and labor required to complete the building project.
- Land acquisition : Another essential requirement in the construction building is to acquire a piece of land. It’s important to put several factors in mind like the size of the building, location and so on. The size of the plot will finalize how large the required piece of land should be. As for the location, it is important to build a factory or industry closer to where its raw materials are available – to save the cost of production. If it is a residential building, it might be chosen to be closer to a school.
- Documentation : So many buildings are demolished every day as they lack in showing appropriate evidence and documents as proof of ownership. To avoid situations like this, you should always secure the authorities’ permission and get registered when you’re about to start a building construction project.
The Construction Phase :
- Site Clearing : The land area where the construction project for the building is supposed to start is known as a ‘site.’ At times the piece of land has been abandoned for a long time and the land is filled with trees, weeds and debris. The first thing to do here is to get rid of such items that might obstruct construction. You can take help of people to operate bulldozers, excavators or land mowers to do the job.
- Foundation : The foundation is the lowermost part of the building where the building meets the soil. It is the base of the building on which the building will be built. It is part of the building’s invisible structure. There’s no underestimating the importance of erecting a solid foundation for a building.
- Plinth beam and slab : After constructing the foundation, the “plinth beam and slab” is added to the top. The purpose is to reinforcing the foundation with the plinth beam and slab in order to protect the foundation from dampness and prevent its cracks from reaching the wall. It will help the foundation to remain strong even in an earthquake.
- Superstructure : The purpose of a superstructure is to provide support for the beam and slab. Elements of the superstructure include the column designed to strengthen the load mounted upon the building’s foundation. The columns are constructed up to the slab level and frame for further construction. There is a waterproof coating added to stop water from entering the slab and casting.
- Bricklaying : From here starts the visible portion of the building. Different kinds of blocks or bricks can be used to erect the building walls based on the owner’s preference. Materials such as concrete blocks and fly ash bricks are used according to the structure laid down by the architect in the building plan. The structure of the windows and doors are carved out by the masonry when erecting the building wall.
- Lintel : After constructing your wall, the lintel is built on top of the wall. A lintel is a beam placed across door and window openings. It is used as a support for the load of the structure placed above it.
- Roof coating : The lintel supports the roofing structure. The roof refers to the framing of the uppermost layer of the house which is done for shaping the cover which acts like a protection from harsh weather and also for decoration and beautification.Different types of roofing materials can add decoration to your home.
- Electrical and plumbing : All the wires and pipes are hidden away from sight in modern homes as that looks more aesthetically beautiful. This is possible only because they were installed at this stage of building construction and hidden between the walls and slabs. Only the endpoint of the pipes and sockets are visible.
- Exterior and interior finishing : After the electrical and plumbing work, the plastering work has been completed. A plaster is a mixture of cement and sand that is used to plaster the exterior part of the building. It is coated with a thickness of 13 mm and sometimes about 20 mm thickness. Plastering usually makes the building structurally strong, protects it from the bad weather and pollution and makes it look attractive. The interior design is done by experts like interior decorators according to the procedure laid by the architect.
- Flooring : At this point the building construction is almost at its end. Flooring works begin after the exterior and interior décor is completed. There are a variety of flooring available according to their uses and preferences be it economy and required level of finishing. Ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles, clay tiles, granite, marble, wood and epoxy flooring are some of the best options.
- Painting : This is the final work on a building. Painting is used to beautify the building and protect it from the effects of water, wind, pollution and sun. Latex paints are water-resistant that is why they are the favorites for painting the exterior wall of homes. For decoration, a perfect mixture of different colors while painting can enhance the beauty of a building.
Constructing a building is a large-scale and huge investment. This is why the real estate business is one of the most significant investments ever. This guide has provided an insight into what it takes to construct a building. Whether it is a home, office, company, shopping mall, auditorium, theater hall or tourist center, most of these have to go through the construction processes mentioned above.